Saturday, 27 December 2008

Day 2- Damnoen Saduak Floating Market

For floating market, I like this picture most. There is a big contrust between the bright area and the dark area with the nice texture of water reflection. It resembles a water colour painting work.

We departed from Bangkok city at around 7:00am and reached the jetty where we board a long tailed speed boat. From there it took around 15 minutes to get to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. A long the way, we had a glimpse at the live of the traditional Thai people and it is also the life style of the old Bangkok people. According to tour guide, this area has not been modernised as compared to Bangkok and you find the same way where Bangkok was like before.
Floating Market has been in existence since more than 100 years and it has been unchanged (except there are tourists added to the crowd). In the market, you will find daily products like fruits, vegetables and cooked foods are carried on the small row boats. Of course, there are souvenirs for the tourists. During the peak hours from sun rise until noon, there is "traffic jams" in the narrow market on the canal. You can join the crowd by hiring a boat with rental like THB150 person.

第二天,我们一家大小的旅费是3500 泰铢。包括了水上市集,玫瑰花园,鳄鱼表演,大象表演,导游和一个自助午餐。大嫩沙多水上市集已有百多年的历史。这里保持了曼谷人昔日的生活面貌。玫瑰花园 (Rose Garden) 是一个文化表演的一个园区。表演包括了由大象表演讲述历史,大象特技表演,泰拳表演,文化舞蹈表演,婚礼表演,等等。当然,鳄鱼表演就是在鳄鱼口的惊险表演。水上市集最繁忙的时侯是早晨黎明到中午这段时间。这天我们七点钟从曼谷启程。约八十公里一个多小时的车程到达离开水上市集一刻钟船程的小码头。我们乘坐了长尾快艇直奔水上市集。一路上我们欣赏了当地居民的水边住宅和他们的生活。时而看见赶市集的小舟,缓缓的划行。凉风迎面吹来,好不写意。 我们付了一个人150 泰铢的船费,租了小舟在繁忙的水上市集里穿行。在这里有载着水果,小吃,纪念品,等等的小舟,熙熙攘攘的叫卖声。好不热闹。游了大约一个小时多后,旅游车就结了我们去玫瑰花园。由于我们还有时间,我们就停留在一个大象园区。骑大象需另付费。不管大人小孩每人600泰铢。我女儿最喜欢骑大象了。没办法,我陪我女儿骑大象。全程半小时,经过树林丛林和改过大象半身的水潭。在最精彩的大象表演和玫瑰园文化表演之前的节目有毒蛇表演和鳄鱼表演。每一项其实都很精彩。当然,这缉片子中还有木刻中心。看着每位师傅灵巧的双手,敲敲打打的完成每幅精致的作品。不能不佩服。

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